If the issue persists, they should contact EA customer service. They can also check if they are on the right account. If they don’t even show as purchased, players can try reinstalling the app and checking the exceptions again. If players are missing packs/games, they should check the library to see if they are marked as owned and if they can download them manually. They can also clear the cache in the app under the ‘…’ in the upper left corner, under the help tab/app recovery, and relaunch it. They can add TS4_X64.exe, EADesktop.exe, EALauncher.exe, EABackgroundService.exe, and their documents > electronic arts > The Sims 4 folder to their exceptions.
Disable antivirusĪdditionally, players who have installed the EA App should provide it with exceptions in their antivirus so that their PC does not block it from reading and launching games. It is recommended to delete the localthumbcache.package file, which can contain pockets of code from mods and the game, to start with a clean slate.
If players encounter any issues, they can post them in a designated thread for troubleshooting. However, it is important to note that troubleshooting may be required in case of any issues. Once the update is installed, players should be able to use all the extra options and possibilities provided by the MC Command Center again.